goodbye Germany, high five!

And the day came to come back.
Goodbye Germany, high five!
You know, yesterday when we were in Munich (I promise to share the photos next week!) I understood how much I love doing stupid things (when I saw most of my photos), because I always laugh from stupid jokes (for example, this picture always makes me laugh:), I always tell stupid jokes mostly from movies or tv shows and if that wasn't enough, I'm the first to laugh at it.
But I can not change it, I'm too much enjoying it:) It's too deep in me (that's what she said, hahaha:).
Anyway, once again, one more goodbye, like the last time, remember?
Only now the goodbye is for coming back.
If it's possible to return. Is it? I don't know. But I'm going to find out.
I can't wait to go home!

P. S. hahaha:).

Have a fun weekend and see you in Lithuania,


  1. I loved to do some much stupid things with you my little Akvilé.
    Have a good trip to your charmant contry, and I hope see you, as you said, in Lithuania :)

    ( or London ;) )

    « A coeur vaillant, rien d’impossible. »
    " Where there's a will there's a way. "
    Jacques Coeur

    ačiū for all,

    take care,


  2. Juju, mieloji!
    when you wrote "stupid things", I was thinking about the stargates straight away, haha:D!
    merci beaucoup for your kind words and for everything, je t'aime!
    we'll see us soon, of course!!
